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tv   KPIX 5 News Sunday Morning Edition  CBS  February 10, 2013 7:30am-8:30am PST

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a similar controversy. but first. we're going to start this morning with a major storm that is hitting the northeast this weekend. it's left behind a lot of snow. that storm is now blamed for at least five deaths. joining us kr hartford, connecticut, a state that has seen 3 feet of snow, every ka. >> good morning. here in hartford we saw about 22 inches of snow but other parts of the state got hit a lot harder and now that the storm has passed, the cleanup continues. >> there is sthil plenty of snow to shovel and plow. crews in the northeast and new england are trying to clear the roads some 25 million people depend on. many neighborhood streets remain buried and people can't get out. the storm dumps 3 feet of snow in places, and the time lapse video shows just how fast it came down. the heavy snow crushed the roof of this bowling allie. the weight was also too much for this home. the storm stopped traffic on
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long island, forcing people to spend the fight in their cars. >> the battery died so i ended up sleeping in the car with no -- no heat. >> the long island expressway is shut down to crews can clean off the busy roadway before the monday commute. several deaths are blamed on the storm including an 11-year-old boy in boston who apparently died of carbon monoxide poisoning. he was in his dad's car getting warm, but the tail pipe was blocked with snow. several counties here in connecticut sought record snow totals with some towns getting up to 3 feet of snow. all crews can do is keep piling it up, and that's creating huge snow banks. >> on the coast snow is just one problem. hurricane-force winds created a powerful storm surge and flooding. >> with the snow banks it kind of makes it so that the water is trapped, no place for it to run off. >> crews are out trying to repair power lines brought down by the storm. huns of thousands are without electricity. many more spending another day shovelling. but for the kids, it's another
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day to play. >> and there was a statewide ban on driving. as of 4:00 p.m. yesterday, that ban was lifted, but it is still pretty dangerous out there. this snow is very heavy and wet and just to give you an example here aes a piece of the ice. pretty crazy. that's about, i don't know, almost 2 inches thick so even on roads that are paved you can xupt it to be very icy underneath. >> speaking of that erica, it has to be difficult for the power crews who are trying to restore the power that is out to thousands of people. how is that affecting things? when can we expect the power to be back on. >> definitely. well, you have to imagine that it's not just a matter of not having electricity and the lights on. it's very cold here. earlier this morning it was about 3 dprees in hartford. now, it iefrjsed up to 18 frees. yesterday about 38,000 people in connecticut had no power. we're told the utility has worked on that and now about 25,000 people in this state are
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still without power today but they're hoping to restore that before the workweek begins tomorrow. >> all right. thank you. erica live for us in hartford, connecticut. it's a much different weather picture here in the bay area. >> it is a good weather picture if you like sunshine, but it is chilly. here's elizabeth with our first look at the forecast this morning. >> thanks, guys. those temperatures are hovering right around the freezing mark this morning. the next couple of mornings are going to be pretty cold. concord right now coming in at 30 degrees only 32 in santa rosa and livermore 31 dprees. so by this afternoon we will warm things up. shiethly warmer today than even what we saw yesterday but yeah, no rain in our forecast. any rain through president's day looks like should stay well north of the bay area. we'll show you luke at that 7-day forecast coming up. thanks. tomorrow a very heated public debate continues over the opening of a gun store in los gatos. the owner has been threatened by
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people who don't want it there and at the same time a lot of others are patronizing the store. the store opened just weeks after the newtown school mas massacre and it does sell assault-sthiel rifles. the owner denys his intiz trying to cash in on gun sales. he says the timing of the opening is linked only toth approval of permits. he says he also has received a death threat last tuesday. >> it's kind of surprising to me. obviously, i am fearing for my safety to a certain level individual or group individuals went through that process to find where i live and take that extra step to make a threat. it is unforj flat. >> we definitely should not be selling more guns. there's no reason to have it here in los gatos. >> a meeting of los gatos town council ran late last week as people aired their concerns and the public hearing continues tomorrow at 7:00 p.m.
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in the town council chamber. meanwhile, philadelphia is the next stop in vice president joe biden's push to strengthen gun laws. tomorrow the vice president will hold oo round table session on gun safety with congress gnat democrats and law enforcement officials, as well. the vice president has been leading a task force on gun violence since the december shottings at sandy hook elementary school in connecticut. it falls on the eve of president obama's state of the union address tuesday. he's set to address job creation and wage growth. those are going to be the major thrust of his speech and you can watch the state of the union right here on kpx 5. that stoorts at 6:00 p.m. here on kpix 5. coming up on face the nation, drones and the war on terror. senators lindsey graham and jack reid join bob this morning. also on the agenda, the confirmation hearings for the cia director nominee and the secretary of defense nominee.
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that's on face the nation, and it starts here on 8:30 a.m. on kp ix 5. it is 7:37. next we are counting down toth opening of the new bay bridge. >> that's right. we are going to have a spokesman from the transportation commission to join us. the next challenge, what is going to be taking down that old bridge piece by piece. a lot of these texans who come here, they doebt go back. >> still to come, california's governor snaps back at a radio ad designed to lure away golden state jobs. we'll be right back.
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. good morning. we're see ago lot of clear skries a lot of blue skies out over the bay area. here's a live look behind me where you can see all the blue skies outside. it's cold, though. don't be fooled by all the sunshine out there. temperatures are still out or even staying below freezing temperatures, especially those inland value lease. let's check out some of those current numbers outside right now. 31 in livermore 31, as well, in santa rosa. these are the current numbers. we changed a few out of them.
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san francisco looking for waerm spots, coming in in the very low 40s. by this afternoon we will see waerm weather a few greece warmer than what we saw yesterday. lots of sunshine and temperatures mainly in the low 60s. no rain in our forecast, and really not in our immediate forecast at all. we're not seeing much of anything. we're going to show you what it looks like over the next 24 hours with our future cast. any rain is going to stay well north of the bay area and looks like it could stay that way well through the weekend into president's day. here's a look at some of the temperatures some of the numbers we're expecting. like i said a few upper 50s to very low 60s 60 in napa, 64 in fairfield, 59 in fremont and 58 if you're in san francisco. here's a look at your forecast. over the neshgs several days sunday through wednesday you'll notice these temperatures, start to bump up a slight warming trend and by thursday we see a much bigger jump in those numbers. we're going to reach in the
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upper 60s a few places in warmer areas may squeeze out low 70 but, yeah, no rain for the next several days. ann and phil, back to you. >> thank you, elizabeth. the count down is on toth grand opening of the new bay bridge and kpix 5 is proud to be the official tv station for the opening ceremony in september. when the new bay bridge goes up, the old bay bridge will go down. american bridge is the company that built both the original and replacement bridge. kpix 5 reporter john shows us itsz neshgs task is taking down that old bridge piece by piece. >> this bridge is define us in some ways as the bay itself. >> brad is regulatory director of the bacon ser vags and development commission, the state agency that oversees protection of san francisco bay. he knows that building the new bridge will only be half the challenge. >> taking the old bay bridge down is practically as big a project as putting the new one
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up. >> they say it's always easier to tear down than to build up, but that's not necessarily true for the old bridge. environmental restrictions mean that the structure will have to be carefully taken apart in sections in the reverse order that it was originally built. >> they have great documentation about how this old structure was built in the 1930s so they will use the architectural drawings from the 30s. they'll use all of the photographs that they have from the 30s and they'll use that as sort of a road map to undoing what was done 35 yores ago. >> first to be removed will be the can lever section. that's the part that looshgs like a giant erector set. it sits dangerously close toth new bridge and caltran wants that removed as soon as the new roadway opens. they're hoping drivers on the new span won't be too distracted by the sight of workers suspended from old steel as they dismantle it. >> we have the main portion of the bridge, the superstuck trur
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we're looking at right here and then the final demolition is of the foundation. >> and those won't be size. some of the caissons are buried 175 feet down into the mud but because they're not solid but honeycombed inside, engineers have an idea. >> use microcharges all throughout them, you could effectively have them fooled into themselves in thoerly and have it worked down and all the debris would actually just collapse down into the bay and they would just leave it there. >> the rules about working over the bay are really strict. how strict? well if you're wokking up there and you happen to drop something spoo the water you're supposed to go fish it out that may not be easy to do in 75 feet of murky sea water. once it's been dismantled, any concrete or steel will be recycled or sold for scrap but other reuses may be limited because of the toxic-led paint that has coated the span for decades. some estimate the demolition
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could take seven years to complete and cost over $240 million. when it's finished, caltran plans to create a regional park in the area where the old span now makes land fall. it will be a place where people can come to view the new bridge and remember the old. >> are you going to be a little sad to see it go. >> there oes part of me -- yeah. there's definitely part of me that will be sad to see it go. >> finally there is one piece of steel that will undoubtedly be saved. it is a little figure called the bay bridge troll secretly put here in 1990 by steel workers repairing the quake damaged structure, the troll has guided millions of cars safely across the bay. it could end up in a museum but some say it should be attached toth new bridge for good luck as it continue it is mission of connecting all the people in the bay area. >> and that was john ramos reporting. you're taking a look at our count down clock. 204 days till the new span opens
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over the bay. it's going to be exciting. for more now on the new bay bridge randy refrj ler with the metropolitan transportation commission joining us live now. thanks for being here. >> my pleasure. >> you guys have been busy planning a big party for the opening. >> well, i think it's less of a party than kind of a normal celebration. what we're proposing to do is pretty similar to what happened on the bridge in 2003 in the bay area what happened on the golden gate when they opened, what happens on bridge structures really around the nation and the world. what's unusual about the bay bridge is it's the bay bridge. nothing has been easy with the bay bridge over the last 20 years. its location makes it a challenge but the event itself is pretty standard fare --. >> okay --. >> wait one second. this thing is going to be big. it's go b to be a lot bigger than these other celebration. we're talking something 12520150 thousand people walking across the span. fire works rock con seshths marathon bikes, marathon run. i mean, it is a big thing.
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>> look, it is a big thing. >> and it's going to cost. >> well, look, it is a big thing. the bay bridge is a big thing. having bikes and runners and walkers will get hopefully 2 hun thousand people on that. we'll be able to get 500 thousand people participating in a big event. on the opening in twoe, we had the same idea. people were on the bridge. there was fireworks displayed but there was 30,000 people. >> exactly. this is the wood stock of bridges. >> yeah. >> so obviously that does cost a lot of money as you pointed out. you're trying to gain a ot lof private doe magss to fund this party. >> that's correct. on the public side we create a base level of activity to try to bring that private side in. the goal is, of course, to make the bridge available toth public. there's also going to be paid events where people have to pay to run across the bridge. there will be a bike ride. there will be other activities that haven't been fully set down yet. so there's a private side. we're hopeful to raise some
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money. there's going to be a public side. the two work together so the hole is greater than the selling the parts. >> speaking of the parts this bay bridge is pretty incredible. is that span that we see so often, i was told that's a one of a kind in the world. is that true. >> yeah. it's the largest of its kind in the world and one of a kind because it's longer on one side than the other. >> that was put in there in part because jerry brown who was then the mayor of oakland and willie brown wanted something spectacular and this bridge really is going to be one of a kind in the world right. >> look, it really is. the way i see it is the bay itself sa wonder of the world and it's hard to improve the bay. we're concerned we don't degrade the bay. this structure, this design is one of the unique things that makes the bay better and i think the whole bay area wanted that. if you go back and rewind the movie the proposal by governor wilson in those days was to have basically a normal cost of bay. the whole bay area wanted something better than that. there's no doubt the governor
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and mayor brown war part of that call. >> when it is all done, it's going to have taken what, decades. what was the biggest problem in getting this ning? was it the engineering or the politics. >> it's the politics. we can all look in the mirror and see ourselves. we all want a certain thing. we all want to be involved in the process. the process took a great long time. i think the result is better than if the process hadn't occurred. uong the process needed to be as hard as it was. for me personally, i've been through it all since before the bay bridge was there. it's been 20 years and i'm looking far ward to it being over. >> environmental regulations cost a lot of red tape. >> not in this case. size mick projects were exempt from many of the environmental regulations. really it was a parts pa toir activity by the bay area. >> the environmental problems here were the people on both sides of the bridge. >> that's correct. believe it or not there was even a debate about whether it should be replaced, and if so, if it should be for cars or also cars and light rail.
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they were talking about putting train tracks on it. >> there was a vote. >> we had more -- we had so much debate over this at a time we were wondering if it ever was going to happen. >> it's been a long time. i think one intregs thing if you have a minute here is that the earthquake, the biggest real issue was the bay bridge. that's what made all the news. for 20 years the state of california has spent billions of dollars to make thousands of structures around california safe for everybody. almost the very last one is going to be the bay bridge. it started and we'll end it here. >> all right. 204 day ace way from that grand opening. randy with the metropolitan transportation commission. thanks for joining us this morning. we'll be right back. >> thank you.
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good-hair and governor moonbeam. tchlts new york times called it the throw down between governor good hair and goovrner moon. today texas goovrp eric perry flies toth golden state trying to lure away california companies. california's governor touted off calling the so-called good life in the lone star state. >> doesn't even a burp. should i liken it to when you standby the ocean? no. it's a big nothing. >> a lot of these texans who come here, they don't go back. >> the spots that governor perry bothed about the lower cost of doing business there. >> that's right. it's not the first time that
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california has felt threatened by texas. one of the reasons why we turned to former state speeshg willie brown who once called texas his home he was born there. politics aside and back and forth aside our first question is: is california in danger of losing new jobs to other states. >> because we have the best work force that's already here. they are located here. they don't want to leave and number two, the environment when i know you're off work is so much better than almost any other place in the country that people will stha here. people will relocate back here period. >> well, but governor perry is down in southern california meeting with a computer manufacturer who is looking to expand the business, and they're taking bids from nevada, north carolina and texas and companies are taking their jobs elsewhere even despite california's sunshine great weather and fun living. >> well, we went through this
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once before when there was dell computer wanted to move to austin texas and all the benefits that flowed from it. dell discovered that it doesn't work that it's like the first date and the second date and by the third date, it's a bad arrangement, and that's what happened with dell and that's what will happen with the rest of the companies. >> at the same time, however the governor has made no secret that he wants to make california more quote business friendly and one of the things he's talking about is its environmental laws. he wants to streamline them, and he wants to possibly alter other work regulations so he must be hearing something that rick perry and these other governors are saying. >> no. uong he's listening to what they're saying. i think he's listening to what businesses in california are saying, and when you go through the process for an example on their environmental impact side, he went through that when he served as mayor of oakland. he had a major fight with the
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environmentalists and others on that issue. he was trying to do 10,000 units downtown. they were making it impossible. >> so basically you think when this comes up, he's going to wind up making california more business friendly, texas or not. >> i think he's going to make california a more interesting manageable place in which to live and it's going to be interpret td as business friendly. he's not going to allow himself to be pulled in that he's trying to do something for business. that's not a popular thing to do. >> and that debate will rage on. meantime counting down toth glits and glamour of tonight's grammy award show in los angeles. kpix 5 just picked up his press pas and shows tus musicians vying for album of the year. >> the 55th grammy awarsd will bring out music's biggest and most promising stars. much talk is what people will wear after a leaked memo from cbs asking that dress be
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appropriate, no breasts or buttocks please. british arena mum ford and sons are up for six grammys including album of the year. frank ocean an artist and producer also gets six nods including one in the best new artist category. he'll have serious competition from fun the band who gave us an anthem we are young in 2012. they may also take home a gramophone for record of the year. let's forget the black keys up for five awarsd. they'll perform sunday night and won't go home empty handed. it'll be a rocky night and i'll have your all-access pass from the staples center. reporting from los angeles from grammy central with my buddies kpix 5. and the 55th grammy awards ayers tonight right here on kpix 5. it starts at 8:00 right after 60 minutes. coming up in half an hour, the push for gun control. and the boy scouts delay a
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key vote on its gay members ban. a closer look at the debate over private organization and constitutional law when we come back. on the east coast digging out from a excuse me, sir i'm gonna have to ask you to power down your little word game. i think your friends will understand. oh no, it's actually my geico app...see? ...i just uh paid my bill. did you really? from the plane? yeah, i can manage my policy get roadside assistance, pretty much access geico 24/7. sounds a little too good to be true sir. i'll believe that when pigs fly. ok, did she seriously just say that? geico. just click away with our free mobile app.
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where crews ar . this is kpix 5 news. millions on the east coast digging out from a
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record-setting snowstorm where crews are working overtime to clean up the storm damage. and the air is a little crisp this morning. we're still seeing some temperatures at even below freegz in our inland valleys. how much warmer will we get by this afternoon? we'll tell you coming up. and the man hunt continues for the excop asuzed in southern california of a shooting rampage. new details on the suspect's arsenal, plus new video taken 24 hours after the first shooting. welcome back to kpix 5 this morning. the time is 8:00. it's february 10th. good morning. i'm phil. >> and i'm ann. we have a lot to talk about in the next half hour. we're going to talk with a constitutional law expert about the boy scouts and their ban on gay members. they put off a vote on that last week and so where does that stand when it comes toth law and discrimination. >> we're also going to take a closer look at all of the new gun control measures that have been presented up in sacramento and the chances of their passage and what difference they might actually make, but first big
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storm in northeast has now passed but the damage remains. >> yeah. large accumulation of snow that more than 3 feet of snow fell on saturday in some places. the heavy snow crushed the roof of a bowling allie in smith town, new york, and the speed of the storm stopped traffic on major roadways in long island. at least 150 people had to spend the night in their cars. >> i ran out of gas around 2:00 in the morning. >> so then what happened after that. >> just tough it out. >> at least five deaths are blamed on the storm right now that includes an 11-year-old boy in boston who apparently died of carbon monoxide poisoning because of a tail pipe blocked by snow. this morning about 345,000 people are without electricity. well, it's a very different weather picture in the bay area today. >> yeah. it is sunny, but it is very chilly. here's elizabeth wour first look at the forecast this half hour. >> okay. thapgs guys. yeah. it is definitely cool.
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we're seeing a lot of sunshine. these pictures make it look like it's a lovely spring day. that is simply not the case. some temperatures are still at or below freezing. livermore is 30 greece. only 29 in santa rosa. 28 in fairfield. it is going to feel slightly warmer around the bay. san francisco coming in at 42 degrees. no rain, at least not in our immediate forecast. we're looking high and dry for the next several days, and it looks like the way even into next weekend. any rain we get will stha well north of the bay area. by this afternoon we are going to waurm significantly even slightly warmer today than what we saw yesterday. coming up we'll get a check of that 7-dha forecast in the meantime. back to you guys. >> thank you elizabeth. new details are emerging on the hunt for the former policeman accused of killing three people including a former officer. >> he is still on the loose. this new surveillance video from an auto parts store? san diego just released.
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it appears to show tossing a magazine full of bullets and military belt into a dumpster. this video is from monday. that is the day after police say he killed two people in ir vine but the hunt defined him. in person, law enforcement officers searched door to door at the big bear lake resort area east of los angeles where they believe he's hiding out. cbs reporter edward lawrence has more on the latest developments from la. >> california authorities say the search for fired los angeles cop christopher dorner is the most significant man hunt in the state's history. now they say they have discovered new clues left behind in dorner's abandoned burned-out pickup truck. investigators found two long range rifles with silencers cold weather survival gear night vision goggles and a gas mask. dorner is accused of ambushing and killing three people in the last week. he said he is out for revenge over his 2008 firing from the lapd. la's police chief told cbs
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affiliate in an exclusive interview he's reopening the investigation into dorner's dismissal. >> i'm not doing this to appease him. i'm doing this so that the community has faith in what the police department does. >> an fbi profiler says she doesn't believe five years after the fact that dorner has snapped. >> i think that that was long time in planning, and i believe that he fants sized about doing this for very long period of time. >> police went door to door near the remote but popular big bear resort saturday in the shadow and scare of families enjoying weekend of fun. >> i guess it 's kind scary but i think the cops know what they're doing. >> the lapd also added extra manpower oun the grammys to guard celebrities and members of its own rank. >> you can't let your guard down. we are not going to. it's very very dangerous. >> a man trained by the very department he's turned against. edward lawrence for cbs news los
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angeles. well, mean whieshlgs firefighters battled a blaze in a homeless encampment in san jose early this morning. that was one alarm fire reported around 2. 20 a.m.. firefighters were able to put out that fire about a half aven hour lart. that encamp. located on your screen. official nos surrounding buildings were damaged. and a barbecue fire caused major damage to a san pablo home yesterday afternoon. continue cost fire officials reported that the flames began when the person who lived there started a barbecue with gasoline and left it unattended and that sparked a fire in the garage. firefighters arrived to that home at around 4:00 and put that fire out within about 20 minutes. the city of berkeley has seen a dramatic increase in the number of rh cases. 39 cases of rape were reported last year. that is up from 20 in 2011. the incidents occur mostly in the housing areas around campus. they typically also involve alcohol but official haves not
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yet found a specific cause for that 95% increase. we're not shire what's behind the increase in reported rapes this year. we -- it's too early to tell whether or not it's beginning of a trend or an out liar year. >> officials say they are also concerned it involve ace kwan tans rape. they believe usually a friend or former partner of the victims. in other bay area head ryans, the san francisco baseball legend will be given another shot at overturning his felony conviction. giants slugger barry bonds was kwiktd of obstruction of jis tis back in 2011 for misleading a grand jury during its steroid investigation. this wednesday federal judges will hear bonds' argument toth u.s. court of appeals. tomorrow night there's public meetings in los gatos where a debate over a gun store is continuing. tem mrer sports opened just weeks after the new jun town school massacre and some residents say the timing is bad
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even if it's not intentional. the owner received a death threat at his home last tuesday. tomorrow the next big push to end gun violence by vice president biden. that's right. still to come, the changes to try stroenten gun laws in california as well. our political insider sounds off. and vote december layed on the boy scouts gay member ban. now the organization will likely feel pressure from both side of that debate. we have an expert joining us live in studio next. save up to $500 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get a sealy queen set
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for just $399. even get 3 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now.
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. good morning. grab a jacket before you head outside. these are your current temperatures only in the 30s to barely squeezing out a 40-degree reading. 60s by this afternoon and plenty of sunshine. trz frz
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. it is 11 minutes after 8:00. it is a sunny morning out there but it is also very chilly. elizabeth has more details with our inpoint forecast. >> good morning. thank you. yeah the next couple of morn wgsings we're going to see these cold temperatures and pretty mild afternoons. if you like 60s that's what we're expecting throughout the course of the week. outside right now you see barely a cloud in the sky. that is live lookout. also over the bay seeing a lot of blue outside but yes as ann mentioned it is chilly.
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we're still seeing some temperatures even below freegz in some parts of the bay area. santa rosa only 29 degrees right now. 37 out in oakland. slightly warmer if you're walking up in san francisco. 42 degrees there. so by this amp yes a lot of sunshine around the coast bay and inland and temperatures should mainly be in the very low 60s to a few upper 50s outside as well. satellite and radar showing no rain not at all. not in our immediate forecast, not even in our longer range forecast. throughout next week into next weekend and through president's day, it looks like there is barely a cloud -- rain cloud in sight. this is our future cast of the next 24 hours. we got a strong ridge of high pressure and it's continuing to build throughout the workweek so here's a look at your forecasted highs for this afternoon. upper 50s to very low 60s. 61 in vallejo, 59 is your high by this afternoon in fremont. 58 if you're in san francisco and san ra fell. taking a quick check now out of the forecast, for the next several days it looks like we
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got a warming trend ago slight bump up in temperatures monday through wednesday and then the numbers really jump by the time we get to thursday gonna reach into the upper 60s through next weekend. ann and phil, that's your forecast. back to you guys. thank you, elizabeth. boy scouts of america have delayed decision until mae on whether to lift a ban on openly-gay scouts and leader sgls now the organization will likely feel pressure from both side of the debate as this drags out. for a look at some of those issues we're joined by professor evan the uk hastings school of law. all right. legally are the boy scouts or girl scout ors any other organization like that legal loi bound to change their policy. >> no, absolutely not. in 2000, the united states supreme court handed down a decision in boy circuit courts of america versus dale in which they ruled squarely the scouts have a first amendment right. they don't have to associate with anybody they don't want to associate with. >> at this point it becomes more of a social issue and the boy
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scouts decided whether or not. >> social and economic because a lot of corporations now are beginning to look at possibility of of pulling their donations from the boy scouts creating off the political can social pressure. . >> i want to pull the lens back a little bit. as you said, there was a supreme court decision about private organizations. because i've always wondered where the line was, where its discrimination that you can go to court and say end and versus discrimination that is basically allowed or and what is the line there. >> well, it has to be a private organization. if it's a private organization, they cannot be forced to -- to associate with others. the question with the boy scouts, i think is, you know, how private are they really? i think the case in 2000 it was assumed that they were private but they didn't really push.
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the court didn't really push the boundary of that. >> now hasn't some of the past been for example, here in shan fran we had the olympic level which was a golf club which wouldn't allow women and they got away with it or however you want to term that until it was found out one of their golf holes was at least owned by the city. >> that's correct. >> so if somebody -- has -- brushes up against a public facility or something like that that's where the line can be drawn, too. >> that's exactly right. so if the boy scouts are using a lot of parks and recreation areas that are public, they could be prohibited from doing that and if they're too many public you know, facilities that they're using then, you know, obviously the leverage is going to be greater. >> the boy scouts are widely supported by the religious community. i heard a statistic about 77% of local troops are supported by local churches so that adds in another issue when you talk about some of these more conservative religious organizations wanting it to stay the way it is. >> they're having to do a
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delicate balancing act right now between the churches on the one hand pulling in one direction and you've got mass public opinion and many corporations because corporations aren't willing to -- to buck the public opinion too much. they -- they can't take the hit on their market. >> so a lot of this is public-opinion driven. >> yeah. >> because i'm going to give you a theoretical. a lot of people say that's absurd but if we follow the legal argument sometimes we land up in the land of absurd. baseball teams a lot of times they play in taxpayers subsidized stadiums. could a female sue and say where's affirm ti action, where's my representation, are you barring me from playing professional baseball. >> well, they would have to be able to show that their exclusion from the team violated some kind of a sta chut. that sta chut hasn't been passed yet, but if you're asking could it be passed, i think the answer is yes. >> where do businesses fall in this? as a business, a private business can you exclude men or women. >> i think the answer is yes
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but that's on the stipulation that it is truly a private business and as we're saying now, it's not always clear. there are some gray areas. once you start using enough public funds or public accommodations or you're getting tax breaks then it becomes murky. >> that's usually where it becomes political as well. >> that's absolutely right. >> because if you are truly a private organization and you're completely away from any public entity whether it be a park or facility or some funds then you --. >> you have to be allowed to associate with whoever you want. >> but once you cross that line then the public feels they have a say. >> and it's not always a clear line. >> very gray area. thanks for shedding some light for us professor evan lee. we appreciate it. we'll be right back.
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president's state of the union address that is going to be on tuesday. the vice president's round table session on gun safety inclusd congressional democrats and law enforcement officials. president obama did name biden to end -- toth end of gun violence task force. the name of the task force after the shootings at sandy hook elementary. >> yeah. there are a number of bills in sacramento on gun control, as well. bullet control you name it. somebody in sacramento seems to be proposing it now. for that we turn to former state assembly leader willie brown. our first skwe how realistic all of these new laws being propose and had what are the chances of them passing. >> i think they're very realistic. after all, it was back in the late 80s when the roofs measure on assault ban passed and signed it into law. so california already has a history of being able to address this issue. clearly you need to do something about background checks. clearly you need to do something about the availability of weapons for people who have some
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challenges emotionally speaking. clearly you should have an insurance coverage if you own a gun. all those things can pass in the state of california. everybody points toth nra and says they are the bad guys, they are the once if you're for gun control, but they manage to get the votes out on their side, and the other side which polls show reflect people that want the controls, it doesn't. i mean, if you look at the polls nationally and locally a majority want gun control so why doesn't that translate into election. >> i suspect phil, because there's a hidden number of people in this country that really believe in their personal weapons. >> so it's not just the nra. >> no. >> okay. so you put the nra up as the people that are --. >> they're the bad guys. >> but let's get real. they're not. >> just look at here in the bay area down in los altos or some place of that nature, there is a
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gun shop that took almost two years to get himself permitted. the citizens went to sleep down there and didn't realize. >> i can just go look at the department of justice request for gun background checks, which are going through the roof. they're at one and a half million this year. record numbers are going in there. so you say one thing like you said toth pols, but people's action a little different. >> little bit different because the second amendment is really believed in by the citizens of this country. people really believe they need a gun that they need to protect themselves and i suspect that there oes a majority of the public that's in that category and believe me, when it comes time to make the decision about what they do with reference to guns and a candidate associated with guns, you got to be very careful. >> now california already does have, but it's some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation and there's of course, a push to expand our gun laws all the way across the country. we'll see how that goes, too.
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so we have these two separate debates. should we get stricter here? that's pushing it for a lot of people. >> meanwhile gun shows and gun sales are at record numbers. la ready to roll out the red carpet outside of the staples center. we are less than 24 hour ace way from the 55th grammy awards and this morning we are getting an inside look at one of the artists up for album of the year, jack white. >> i think all jack white music should just be called jack white because as soon as a guitar strum happens you go, oh, jack white. >> i think that he finally just decided, you know, i've done everything i want to do. the last thing to check off is a solo album. >> a collection of beautiful songs that showcase his guitar playing, his song writing and his knowledge of music. >> you can tell a little bit that he may have gone through a divorce recently. >> all that said, remember that karen elson sings on this record so it's also not a clean split.
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>> one of my favorite songs and favorite videos of the year. burst of energy, the song. it's played on radio and you're like what is it. thrives on musical tension tloois on sexual tension. >> i think he almost wants the sort of yin and yang of working with a wam. >> he responds to that kind of collaboration with wyoming that's part of his artistry. >> being elemental is simple or boring or played out. he makes something raw feel over and over. >> a time when anything that anybody does, you know, is on the web 60 seconds later gets impossible to retain mystery and to retain aura and romance and mystique and he has been able to do that. >> we will find out if jack white wauks away with album of the year tonight with the 55th annual grammy awards right here
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on kpix 5. that starts at 8:00 p.m. right after 60 minutes. coming up one more looshg at this morning's top story. >> and that includes the after math from a blizzard blast on the east coast when we come back. closed captioning brought to you by sleep train wishing you a happy valentines day.
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up to three feet of snow. five . welcome back. let's take a lock at this morning's top story. >> an east coast blizzard a big one, 3 feet of snow. five deaths are blamed on the weekend storm and more than 300 thousand homes and businesses are still without electricity. >> and new surveillance video was released that may aid in sherj for an excop chris dorner. the video shows dorner disposing of a bullet magazine at a store in san diego. police are still searching for the suspected murderer. and a public meeting will continue tomorrow night in los gatos on the recent opening of a
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gun store. a lot of people are upset about the timing and the owner has received a death threat at his home. remember that face the nation start hearsay in just a few minutes. and for us we are going to jump over toth cw network where our news book continue. we're looking at the season of sniffles. the one thing you should never do if you're feeling sick. that is over on channel 4 chabl 12 starting at 8. 30 this morning. we have time for one last look at the weather. elizabeth. >> i know. one quick look. it is cold outside. drama over the next several days. it's pretty quiet weather pattern, no rain in our immediate forecast. high pressure is sticking around throughout the workweek it looks like and even into next weekend. going to see a slight bump up in those temperatures by this afternoon, going to see mainly in the upper 50s to low 60s and then we got a real warming trend continuing through friday. >> well, lovely be grand but it's not cheap. the latest survey show that is americans will spend a whopping $18.6 billion on valentine's day
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gifts. >> these stats from the national retail federation saying that shoppers will send about $131 on valentine's day gifts 1.6 billion will be spent on candy 1.9 billion on flowers and 4.4 billion on jewelry. that's my favorite. >> and don't forget animal lovers are expected to top that with 815 million bucks on pet gift sgls yeah. thanks for joining us this morning.
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>> today on "face the nation," blizzards, drones and cyberattacks. still recovering from super storm sandy, the heavily populated northeast was pounded by a monster blizzard that stretched from new jersey to canada. massachusetts governor deval pat prick, whose state was among the hardest hit, will give us the latest from there. and as the northeast is digging
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out, republicans are digging, demanding more information on what the president knew about the terrorist attack on benghazi that left four americans dead. >> are you surprised that the profit united states never called you secretary panetta, and said how's it going? >> republican senator lindsey graham is with us is this morning and he is prepared to take gnaw steps unless he gets some answers. controversyover the president's nominees to run the pentagon and the c.i.a. new reportes of computer hacking, and the threat of cyber attacks. we'll also hear from mike rogers. senator jack reed of the armed services committee. former democratic congresswoman jane harman, now with the woodrow wilson center. james lewis of the center for strategic and international studies. and our own justice department correspondent bob orr.


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